Parallel Universes of Our Lives

After reading about the parallel universes for such a long time and confused my mind with all these physics theories, what I realize actually all the ‘parallel’ universes are within our own lives exactly at the same time. Life is not a straight path. On the contrary, there is a lot of intersections and turnouts.

Don’t we create a new reality in every option we come across, every decision we make or couldn’t make? As I understand better over the years, our testing give us the road map only but doesn’t necessarily step in to the authority of our own wills. And that is precisely this free will that determines where we are now and where we will be tomorrow.

Also we have a driving force while making a choice (by using our free will) in the world of infinite possibilities. It is the level of energy that we have… I strongly believe that we produce very high frequency of energy in two cases. When we fall in love and suffer from pain. Both emotions are so humanistic, the energy or enthusiasm of our energy level triggers our free will and forces us to make choices, use that will, and move on to a new / other reality. It helps us to make decisions, move forward or sometimes tell us to breathe a few minutes and then move.

All the options are there in our lives … When we are not ready or when we are not in the right energy frequency, we don’t see the doors that appear in front of us.

When it comes to how we will always be at the right frequency, yes, pain is also a powerful energy, but I think I’m closer to Einstein’s opinion for myself and I think LOVE is the only answer.

I’m not just talking about loving a person. I am talking to fall in love with a sudden breeze, the sincere smile you shared with your friends, the little steps of a bird and joy of a falling raindrop. Maybe when you fall in love with life itself, it whispers from a hidden place.

Three, two, one… Öykü is ready to be thrown into her new life.




AI Biases

If Chatgpt was writing this article, probably it will start with an introduction to AI and magical capabilities of it.

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