(if you’re unsure of the pronunciation, just click here 🔉)

With over 20 years of professional experience in corporate law, Öykü embarked on a journey of exploration and learning.

Holding a bachelor’s degree in Law and post-graduate certificates in Women & Leadership and Diversity from Cornell University, she gained valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of organizations and honed her strategic approach.

As a single mother with a passion for travel and immersing herself in new cultures, her curiosity around diversity and inclusion grew. This led her to actively seek ways to help others find their sense of belonging, both in the workplace and the world.

Matthew J. Whitehead Individual Diversity Awardee from ACC in 2014.

Matthew J. Whitehead Individual Diversity Awardee from ACC in 2014.

A remarkable achievement as she was the first recipient outside the United States to receive the prestigious award.

In 2018, she made a transformative move to the UAE and transitioned into Human Resources, where she could support organizations and leaders in fostering inclusivity and growth.

Her passion for writing has resulted in two published books, including a co-authored work titled ‘She Dares,’ which features inspiring narratives from 36 women worldwide. Additionally, her articles on diversity, women empowerment, and challenging the status quos have been featured in prestigious magazines, blogs, and websites.

With her blend of legal acumen, people expertise, and a strong focus on diversity and inclusion, Öykü brings a unique perspective to the table, offering actionable strategies and insights to create lasting positive change.

A Journey Through My Multifaceted Life


Reimagining organizations as inclusive and equitable spaces, I, being a certified coach work passionately to guide leaders (and leaders to be) in embracing diversity as a powerful asset and integrating inclusion as a core value.


50+ Countries & Counting Journey with me as I traverse the tapestry of cultures, traditions, and perspectives. With each adventure, I deepen my understanding of the richness that diversity offers, and I bring this knowledge to my work every day.

Single Parent

While motherhood has taught me the importance of empathy, understanding, and the value of creating safe spaces for growth, being a single parent has also gifted me with insights into strength, resilience, and the power of embracing change.

These qualities resonate in my approach as a Diversity Strategist, as I guide individuals and organizations through transformative journeys, breaking barriers and fostering unity.


Have you ever thought there can be a correlation between wine making and personal transformation. Both processes involve a journey of growth, change, and refinement, leading to a final outcome that is greater than the sum of its parts. This is what diversity is and this why I am also in love with winemaking!


Reimagining organizations as inclusive and equitable spaces, I, being a certified coach work passionately to guide leaders (and leaders to be) in embracing diversity as a powerful asset and integrating inclusion as a core value.


50+ Countries & Counting Journey with me as I traverse the tapestry of cultures, traditions, and perspectives. With each adventure, I deepen my understanding of the richness that diversity offers, and I bring this knowledge to my work every day.

Single Parent

While motherhood has taught me the importance of empathy, understanding, and the value of creating safe spaces for growth, being a single parent has also gifted me with insights into strength, resilience, and the power of embracing change.

These qualities resonate in my approach as a Diversity Strategist, as I guide individuals and organizations through transformative journeys, breaking barriers and fostering unity.


Have you ever thought there can be a correlation between wine making and personal transformation. Both processes involve a journey of growth, change, and refinement, leading to a final outcome that is greater than the sum of its parts. This is what diversity is and this why I am also in love with winemaking!

legal disclaimer

* This website operates independently of my corporate responsibilities and is exclusively dedicated to sharing my personal passion with the world. The content, thoughts, and ideas presented on this platform solely reflect my individual viewpoints and are not affiliated with any current or former organizations I have been associated with.